1. Strategic Visionary Statements: Core Goal, Vision-Mission group, Dr.SWOT group, Values-Policies-Procedures Group.
2. Strategic Intent: Strategy Map -> Themes, Perspectives, Objectives row-aligned flow-chart.
3. Strategic Alignment: Balanced Scorecard Grids -> KPI, KRA, Measures, Targets, Gauges, Scores, Reviews, Documents, Initiatives, Monthly.
Welcome to our Totally Free Strategy Map Balanced Scorecard Training and Software Website
This website has a strong Totally Free Educational Focus on Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecards.
In our Training Folder www.StrategyKpi.com/Free_Training, we have links to our Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard Training Videos with Examples.
This includes both Concept Training & Software Training, which is driven by our 15 years experience working wih Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecards.
We provide Free and Affordable Strategy Map Balanced Scorecard Software.
Alignment with Harvard University Standards.
Provides Gauge-based WYSIWYG if required.
Provides Gauge-based WYSIWYG if required.

Fundamental Strategic Zones.
Defined and can be Renamed.
Defined and can be Renamed.
Strategic Zone WYSIWYG Feedback-Loop System.
Uses Top-Down Cascaded data structure.
Provides Gauge-Based Bottom-Up Measurement system.
Defines Strategic Intent Measurement for Perspectives, Themes and Objectives (remamed as required).
If not using Closed Loop Learning, then your Strategic Measurement may be Grossly Flawed.
Provides Gauge-Based Bottom-Up Measurement system.
Defines Strategic Intent Measurement for Perspectives, Themes and Objectives (remamed as required).
If not using Closed Loop Learning, then your Strategic Measurement may be Grossly Flawed.
If required, your Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard can be perfectly aligned with the Harvard University Standard.
Plus you can add a comprehensive gauge-based measurement system, which can be averaged right back into the Strategy Map.
Hence, if required all your Objectives, Perspectives and Themes can show averaged Gauge-Based measures.
The Strategy Map is the Ultimate Dashboard.
15 Years Working with Strategy Maps & Balanced Scorecards.
We started working with Strategy Map Software in 2005, when there was no other software which was able to create a strictly row-aligned Strategy Map with Arrows and icon feedback.
We purposefully made our software inexpensive, to allow ordinary people to benefit from Harvard University Strategic Planning.
We continue to provide free training, plus software which uses a Word-Processor style Ribbon-Tab system, that separates the controls from the data.
In our Training Folder www.StrategyKpi.com/Free_Training
we have links to our many Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard Training Videos with Examples and Screen-Shots.
Our free Training provides both Concept Training & Software Training.
We purposefully made our software inexpensive, to allow ordinary people to benefit from Harvard University Strategic Planning.
We continue to provide free training, plus software which uses a Word-Processor style Ribbon-Tab system, that separates the controls from the data.
In our Training Folder www.StrategyKpi.com/Free_Training
we have links to our many Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard Training Videos with Examples and Screen-Shots.
Our free Training provides both Concept Training & Software Training.
"Design your Own " Strategic Plan Database .
The structure of every Strategic Plan in every Organization will always be different, so we avoided using design constraints.
In our Balanced Scorecard Grid system you can redefine every term and add many popular user-defined columns such as review dates, milestones, external document links, account codes, budgets and much more.
We do not force you to use any specific Strategy Map or Balanced Scorecard Terms or Names.
In our Balanced Scorecard Grid system you can redefine every term and add many popular user-defined columns such as review dates, milestones, external document links, account codes, budgets and much more.
We do not force you to use any specific Strategy Map or Balanced Scorecard Terms or Names.
Multi-Function Initiatives and Actual/Planned Monthly Tables.
The optional Initiatives grid has several user-defined columns as well as Budget columns with numeric, currency or percent cell styles.
For each Initiative table row there can be the two monthly tables: Gantt & Finance, each with varying cell styles.
These monthly grids can have optional custom row names that define their purpose.
For each Initiative table row there can be the two monthly tables: Gantt & Finance, each with varying cell styles.
These monthly grids can have optional custom row names that define their purpose.